What Does the Rainbow Really Mean?
My kids have recently become astonished with rainbows. Not that they are drawing them or that they are collecting them, but they are amazed when they see them in the sky. They have also been determined to find out what was at the end of a rainbow (which was an interesting and frustrating conversation with a three-year-old). Many will know the story of the rainbow. Chapter 9 of the book of Genesis, a conclusion to the narration of the flood, gives us this promise. Starting from verse 8, He says, ”And God spake unto Noah, and to his sons with him, saying, And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you;” However, in verse 13 we see the sign of this covenant. The Bible says, “I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.” This gives us the understanding that we have been given the rainbow, as a sign that God would never again pour out his wrath on the world in the form of water. What we need t...