The Abrahamic Promise: The Life of Isaac

How do the elements of the promise to Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3 play out in the life of Isaac in Genesis?

We can see the element is the promises of Genesis 12:1-3 played out in Isaac's life in continuing to make Abraham a great nation. Isaac was the chosen and promised seed, and thus he was inheriting the land of his father. 

He was not just passive in this but took ownership of up-keeping the land given. Isaac is seen digging again the wells that his father had dug (Gen. 26:18). He not only received the promise but was active in his responsibility of taking care of it.

God promised to bless Abraham. Isaac as the promised seed received the blessings that were given to his father, as well as being blessed himself. (Gen. 26:12)

God promised to make his name great. Isaac, as the promised seed had the greatness of the name, promised to his father.

God promised Abraham he would be a blessing. Isaac was a blessing as a loving husband, he stayed true to his wife Rebecca.


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